Islamic Ladies Social and Cultural Association


Sisters Serving Humanity


Medical Tips


Dr. Nadia Mohammed




With the increase in the prevalence of chronic communicable disease, healthy lifestyle is imperative in the preservation and maintenance of good health. Healthy lifestyle refers to the things that we do in our day to day life that promotes optimal health. Some of these are diet, exercise, optimal weight, sufficient sleep, early screening for diseases and proper management of existing medical conditions


This refers to the appropriate types of food that we should eat in the correct amounts. As a general guide 1/3 of your plate should comprise of fruits and vegetables, 1/4 should be carbohydrates, 1/4 protein, half of the remaining 1/6 should be sugars and the remaining portion fats.




These foods are our primary source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. The brighter the colour the more nutritious they are. Try to have a mixture of colours. The recommended daily amounts are 5-9 servings, one serving being 3 heaped tablespoons.



These are energy foods. Choose whole grain because they are more nutritious per given volume and keep you full longer. Also choose low glycaemic foods i.e. foods that do not cause a rapid increase in blood glucose levels such as ground provisions.



The recommended sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, turkey, peas and beans. Servings of plant protein are more nutritious than animal sources. Try to consume 2 portions of fish per week and limit red meat (beef, lamb, goat, duck) to twice monthly.



The recommended fats are unprocessed coconut oil, olive oil (not for cooking), canola, sunflower or safflower. Try to avoid or limit consumption of saturated fats ie solid at room temperature (butter,  ghee, cream, hard cheeses). Do not get fooled by low fat. All this means is that it contains 30% less fat than the standard equivalent and not less fat than the recommendation.



Natural sugars (brown, maple, honey) are healthier than artificial alternatives